New Ideas - (2002-09-03, 10:52 a.m.)

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Guess what?

I changed my idea completely for my template. :) I still love the lavender idea, but I found something that is much more "fall-y" and figured I would put it up for my one year anniversary on diaryland at the end of this month. Well, maybe I'll put it up sooner than that, I'm pretty excited about it, you know?

Muchas gracias to Claire, Kiki and Jenn for their assistance with html and Front Page. I'm almost finished with the main design, but I'll probably tweak it a little bit.

I have to admit that I didn't think that I was going to enjoy designing as much as I do. I'm finding inspiration in little things all around me now, and feel like my creative juices are flowing again. It's been a while, I was getting rusty there.

Anyhow, back to daily life, right?

I work the evening shift at work this week. *yuck* 2 PM to 10:30 PM. I've turned into such a morning person I don't know how well this is going to go. Plus I won't see Hubby hardly at all. At least it's only 11 AM and I've gotten half of my daily workout in already. *sigh*

Oh well. I'll be on later tonight I guess. Things at work have been slow due to the holiday weekend.

Happy Tuesday!

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