Office wide Potluck?? - (2002-09-05, 2:29 p.m.)

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More work related stress today.

Apparently someone decided that it would be a great idea to have an office wide potluck on September 11th. Um, no. I don't have anything to celebrate on that day, and it's my 4th anniversary. (The one where we had our wedding ceremony and blessing, not the actual exchange of vows.)

I am so not comfortable with this it's not even funny. I am to the point where I am thinking of taking a personal day.

Here's what I wrote back:

Hi "Admin Person,"

I wasn't sure who to direct this email to, but you sent it out, so I'm guessing that you are the correct person.

I'm not comfortable with having a celebration on a day where so many people lost so much. I don't feel that I have much to celebrate personally for what happened on September 11th. I am looking at having my husband go over to Kosovo for 10 months, and my brother in law is all over the place over there already. I had to listen to my close friends that still live out in Washington DC talk about their efforts as they were ordered up to the Pentagon where they had to assist restoring order. I heard about how you could see the smoke from the Pentagon from the front yard of where I used to live.

Professionally, yeah, we're still here. But we had a pay cut and many people were furloughed, including the last training classes. I'm guessing that they don't feel they have much to celebrate either.

I am the last person who will ever be the "morality police" but I feel extraordinarily uncomfortable with the idea that we are having a celebration on a day where it's totally inappropriate.

My guess is that if this is upsetting to me, I'm probably not the only one. I have heard discussion around from other leaders on the "yaddayadda" account, and it has been made clear that I am not.


Pretty crappy, huh?

In other stuff, I've finished a design for Miss Mollie. I sure hope that she likes it, I think it's what she was looking for, but I need more input from her to truely personalize it for her.

And thanks to Blaise for saving the day with some html help. *smooches*

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