New Shelves, New Design Plans - (2002-09-01, 1:40 p.m.)

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I tried to add an entry earlier, but failed miserably. Unable to connect to database is not a good sign, no?

And I was having problems getting into my work email. I love having remote access, because that means that I found out that I don't have to work tomorrow! *does happy dance* Yeah, I could go get paid double time, but I really could use a day off instead too. I mean, they're paying me anyhow, right? Right.

So, playing around with my design more, trying to get things to where I want them. Getting more ideas, and thinking about going another direction rather than using an image map. I'm thinking simple. Probably just text links with some soft graphics around them will work just fine. Simple is sometimes better, no?

Been cleaning like a mofo today. Got the house clean, finished pulling weeds in my garden (it's only September, right?) and needing to organize closets. I want to use shelf paper that I got, but I have no exacto-knife. I'll wait until Hubby gets home and then figure out what I need from there.

So yes, I've been a busy girl. I think I'm going to like how I get my design done finally, and even though I've had to ask for help, I think it's coming along fine. Claire, you're wonderful! Thanks for all the help and all my questions!!!

I should go finish my work around here though. Although a nap is sounding awfully nice...

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