Case of the Missing Kitty - (2002-07-30, 11:10 a.m.)

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Well, our internet is still down at home, and I was home yesterday sick.

I think I got into something when I ate while on the road back home. Not a fun trip to be sure, as I wasn't ready to end my vacation by a long shot. I miss my friends.

I found the missing kitty. Chester apparently didn't feel in necessary to show up for "grandma" when I was away. Needless to say I was worried sick about him, he's just not an ouside type of cat. Not real "outdoorsy-smart."

I walked around the property for about 15 minutes on Sunday night calling for him. No Chester.

I went to bed around 10 PM, and was awakened about an hour later by this great big THUD against the side of the house. It was Chester--somehow he had flung his fat self up against the bedroom window and was clinging there by his claws with his ears back just giving me this look of desperation.

So I let him in, snuggled him as much as he would allow, and then everyone went back to sleep.

I guess he's not allowed out of the house when we're on vacation anymore. What a stinker.

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