I Feel Fat - (2002-07-22, 10:46 a.m.)

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Hello. It's me again.

I'm trying to get my butt back into shape--and the rest of me also, of course. I gained 10 lbs since I went to Houston, and I need to get myself back into a reasonable BMI index area. I have 7 lbs to go to be within my ideal area, and technically I'm considered overweight. I feel like it too, all uncomfortable. This is the biggest that I have been. I am so unhappy with myself and feel so unpretty. It's tough on Hubby too as I am kind of a downer when he talks about how cute he thinks I am. I have a kickass haircut and color yes, but I feel just gross and disgusting.

I am trying to eat better and drink water water water! Someone once told me that I should try to drink an ounce for every pound I weigh. So far I've had 44 oz this morning, so I'm well on my way.

I also went for a bike ride last night for 2 miles, and now my butt hurts. I may try to recover tonight and just do some aerobics and dance around in my living room instead and let my butt get back to it's chubby normal self.

I am just so unhappy, so if anyone has diet tips to share--PLEASE let me know. I'll beg if you want me to! :)

I just want to be comfortable in my own skin again. Ideally 135 lbs according to my BMI is the best, and I bet I would feel better around that weight also. It's all concentrated in my stomach. Ick.

So let me know any ideas you might have. Thanks!

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