Dullsville - (2002-07-21, 10:07 a.m.)

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Why do I feel sometimes like I'm getting nothing done at work. Maybe that's because I'm kind of the only one working on this huge form and trying to listen to every agent twice a week. We have a lot of agents and I don't think it's going to happen.

Anyhow, there's not all that much going on.

I'm getting excited to go to Kansas City on Wednesday. I need to call my girlfriend and get directions to her house, and all that stuff too. We should figure out what we're going to do when I'm down there as well, depending on how much she has to work. I'm hoping that she doesn't have to work all that much as I haven't seen her for 2 1/2 years. I kind of miss her, you know?

So yes, I'm at work again. But I think it's worth it to work a Saturday/Sunday in order to have a five day minibreak, don't you? Five days off. Since Houston, the previous vacation before that was last August. I have all this vacation and no idea what to do with it now. I love having four day work weeks. It makes life so much easier!!!

Anyhow, this is really dull so I'm going to stop here. I still am having computer problems at home, so no pictures yet! I will post them though, the sooner the better. Promise. :)

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