Vacations and Beggars - (2002-07-17, 10:21 a.m.)

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Know what I did yesterday?

I saw a man standing over by Wal-Mart with a sign that said Vet, tired, hungry trying to get to California to see my family.

I turned around and offered to leave him $3 at the Subway about 100 yards away. He turned me down. He wanted my money.

A scam you thing? Yes, probably and it makes me upset that people are lying about things like this. I won't ever offer money. Food maybe, but not money.

For God's sake I saw the guy crawl under a car to get an apple that someone threw to him, but he didn't want a Sub from Subway.

Beggars can't be choosers. ???

Somehow I feel my faith in humanity just isn't at an all time high right now.

I haven't been doing much.

Did I mention that Hubby's car pooped out it's transmission? Yes, 300 miles under warranty, thank God. Otherwise we would not have been able to go on vacation.

So my trip to Kansas City kind of hinges on this. If his car needs to be brought in for more repair work, I'm not going to be able to go as he needs my car to go out to the field and I drive the Mustang to and from work.

If his car is okay, then he takes his car out to the field and I get to take mine down to Kansas City. :)

I hope there's nothing wrong with his car. And I hope that you're reading this. :)

That's all for now, I had better get back to work!

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