More Travel? - (2002-07-15, 11:47 a.m.)

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I'm sneaking an entry in here, kind of on break at work, kind of not. :)

Anyhow, I'm thinking about driving down to Missouri to visit a girlfriend in the next week or so. I have five days off, so that would be an awful lot of fun. I haven't seen her or her daughter for 2 1/2 years, and I miss them an awful lot. Flying would be great, but it's only a 10 hour drive. If I have five days to do it, I should be able to get down there, spend three days and then drive back. As far as I'm concerned, it's worth it--gas right now is pretty cheap. Plus I've only been to MO once, and would like to visit the Kansas City area where she lives. Very exciting. Hubby's going to be in the field then anyhow, so I'm not going to be missing anything at home. Just to make sure that Mom and Dad can either watch Zeus and the kitties or find somewhere to board Zeus when I'm gone.

Gosh, I'm just the traveling lady lately, aren't I? Houston, Sturgis in August, and now Kansas City! That's okay though, I love to travel. And I don't mind driving at all.

Yesterday I had a bit of a lazy day, watched a movie, cleaned up the house, did laundry, hemmed my jeans, made some cards to send out...maybe it wasn't that lazy after all. We went out to eat at the lakes and had the nachos. Their food is delicious. We took the motorcycles of course.

I still need to catch up with my diaryland reading though, so many apologies if I've been a bit "absent" as of late with guestbook messages. I'll get there.

Happy Monday!

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