I'm Baaack! - (2002-07-13, 6:13 p.m.)

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Yes, I am home from vacation.


I arrived home to find that the internet was down, and I've been so crazy busy at work that I haven't had the time to browse the internet at all.

Anyhow, my girl Miss JujuBee is as sassy as ever. Getting into trouble in Wal-Mart for not putting things back in the same spot, ringing me up at Macy's when I couldn't find a salesperson, and the list goes on. I missed her so much, and I'm so happy that we got in contact again. And that Missy could come with me as well. We all had a wonderful time, and I wish that my vacation was about three days longer than it was.

Her house is beautiful, and her hubby is a sweetie. Her two doggies are just the cutest things, I loved them to pieces and really spoiled them rotten too!

We had a wonderful time being all girly. I'm pretty make up stupid, so I got a makeover by both ladies, and at the MAC cosmetics store. That was a blast! I also have the best haircut that I've ever had (thanks Juju!) and she also colored it honey, red and chocolate brown. Very pretty, and I get lots of compliments on it! It's pretty short too, just touching my shoulders--the shortest that I've had my hair in 9 years.

We shopped, we got girliefied, we watched movies, ate popcorn, cooked gourmet meals for each other, and just spent quality time with each other.

I think that we're all going to try to make this a yearly event. I had so much fun, and was so relaxed by the time that I came home, I should be able to take it off as mental health time! LOL

So yes, time with the girls was fantastic. I love them both like sisters.

What have you been doing? :)

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