Bye Diaryland! - (2002-07-03, 3:31 p.m.)

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Oh man, I got googled for naked housecleaning. Sorry, none of that happening at my house. I'm number 7 on that list! That's kind of scary.

Again remember I have my new survey. :) Go take it!

Other than that, still gearing up for vacation. Going to get my packing done tonight, and apparently we are probably not going to San Antonio, as they are having flooding problems.

So what ARE we doing you ask? Shopping of course, it's a girl's vacation! I need to get my cd's with "girl music" finished up here tonight too. So much to do, and I'm running out of time! Ack!

Hubby is so wonderful though, he's been finishing planting my flowers for me today. What a guy. The garden is becoming as much his as it is mine. That's a good thing though.

Unfortunately that's about all I have time for now. I might have a chance to update again before I leave, but I make no promises. :)

I'll miss you, diaryland.

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