Goin to Houston soon! - (2002-07-02, 8:32 p.m.)

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Yes. Long time no update.

Been very busy. Five ten hour days in a row will do that to a girl, you know?

Very busy planting out in the garden.

Getting excited about going to Houston. We're leaving on Friday early morning and will spend some time in Houston, Austin, San Antonio and Corpus Christie. So it's going to be a busy time, but also a fun time. I'm really looking forward to hanging out with the girls, and I'm busy making two mix cds that we can listen to when we're road tripping.

So I'm ready to pack tonight. But I can't until tomorrow night. I'm very happy that I'm finally getting to go on vacation. :) It's well deserved.

I made a survey too. Go take it if you feel the need.

Other than that, I'm very tired today, so you'll have to forgive the short entry. Must go to bed soon.

Happy Wednesday!

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