T minus 2 and counting - (2002-05-30, 8:23 a.m.)

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I am so crabby today that I can hardly stand even myself.

I had another dream that Hubby was cheating on me. I don't know why I keep having these, and he's so indifferent about them that it makes me wonder.

That stupid motorcycle seems to be such a focus in his life right now. I know that he's excited about the new paint job and all that, and I must admit that it looks beautiful, but HELLO! I'm your wife. Haven't seen you around lately and I'm getting rather sick and tired of it -- actually have been for quite some time.

It's not like he even does that stuff when I'm not home, he waits until the evening to go work on the motorcycle and does all his homework in the daytime. At least I wish that he would switch this stuff around and do homework in the evenings. At least then we're in the house together then.

Our call volume yesterday was so awful that I was just the crab from hell when the day was done. I don't understand why they keep thinking that five agents can do the jobs of 15. And then of course we have to listen to the customers yell at us because it took so long to get an actual agent. Okay, we know, and there's not really anything that we can do about it. So shut the heck up! Poor planning on their part, and we're the ones that are paying the price.

Not to mention that it also makes me crabby that I sit right underneath the air conditioner and it's kept Antarctic temperatures up here. I'm usually cold anyway and this is not helping my attitude either. I shouldn't have to be wrapped up in my blanket when it's 80 some degrees outside.

Okay, enough bitching for the day. I'm going to just hope that today is a better day than yesterday, and if it's not I'm actually thinking about the possibility of a breakdown right here.

I should have taken a double dose of anxiety meds this morning, I can just tell. *sigh*

Two days left on the phone.

last - next

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