Katress Tune Up - (2002-05-29, 8:34 a.m.)

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Well, it's tune up Katress day today. I had a chiropractor appointment at 8 AM this morning, and a dentist appointment at 10:45. So hopefully I will feel back in shape after that awful migraine and have a happy report of no cavities tomorrow.

Last time I went in I had two cavities. I've only had one itsy bitsy one before in my life, but apparently stress can make your teeth bad. I didn't know this, but apparently your gums secrete some kind of hormone when you're all stressed out that eats away at the enamel of your teeth and will cause even people that don't normally have cavities to, well--have cavities. So just another reason to pamper yourself and try to reduce stress. Who would have thought? That information came straight from my Dentist, who's been cleaning my teeth for all of my 26 years.

In other news, I only have three days including today left on the phone until I start my new position. Hooray!!! You might say that I've been looking forward to it just a little bit.

I finally picked up Hubby's birthday present last night after work. He's going to be so surprised! I can't say what it is here, as I know sometimes he reads this, so you'll all just have to hang tight and wait until Sunday June 9th when I can reveal what goodie I purchased for him.

He's so funny, he got all concerned because he was going to balance the checkbook today and was wondering how I paid for it. Heh. I have a cash stash. Well, had a cash stash. It's gone now, but otherwise he would have totally known what I had gotten for him and ruined the surprise.

Of course I can't talk about the pendant that I am having created with the diamond that I had in my wedding set before either, but needless to say, it's going to be beautiful and very sentimental and definitely one of a kind.

Did I forget to mention also that I was given opals by my boss? Yes, Tom sorted through all of his opals, and took out those that he didn't consider "top quality." Since he buys them in bulk, there were some beautiful stones that might have a deadish spot or two as far as sparkle goes, but honestly I couldn't see the difference between some of them. So we are having opal dangle earrings created just for me. All he is making me pay for is the wholesale price of the mountings. So I'll have beautiful opal earrings that were just about free!

Did I mention that I love my second job and I'm going to miss it a whole lot when it's done? Yes, I certainly am.

That's about all in Katress land today. Hopefully my clix rating will be better today than yesterday. It was a bit depressing compared to where I've been. Oh well.

Happy Wednesday "hump" day! :)

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