T minus 1... - (2002-05-31, 8:27 a.m.)

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One last day on the phone for me. Yay!

I got an email this morning and apparently due to our new class starting next Monday, I'm going to be helping out as a coach instead of directly monitoring calls as would normally be the case. My training is delayed a week, but I'm still off the phone and still in the position of Quality Assurance team leader. So a definite plus for me.

The only thing that I'm worried about is the state of my poor feet. They're going to hurt by the end of the week after being on my feet for 40+ hours.

I just hope that I can move my stuff over as of Monday morning to my new desk. :)

I finally managed to put together a nice set of pictures for my picture frame that I bought a month ago for work. It was way to windy outside to be planting or organizing outside, so instead I finished up some inside the house stuff. Priority #1 being making that picture frame as apparently Hubby is taking over the house cleaning duties. So now all I have to do is just pick up occasionally and he'll take care of the actual cleaning part of the deal for me each weekend. What a wonderful guy, eh?

Thanks to Skincaregirl I finally went and bought some sunless tanning stuff. Neutrogena as she had suggested, and I think with a little practice I can have that lovely bronzed look without damaging my skin. So thanks Skincaregirl, you're the best!

So for the weekend I have a wonderful Saturday spent at the jewelery store, as well as a Friday night, and then Saturday going up to see Hubby's Dad and StepMom for his birthday. He's going to be 25. What a geezer. Whoops, I'm older. Maybe I shouldn't say that to him, or I'll get even more crap from him than I already do.

Anyhow, have a wonderful Friday!

(Self-plug...don't forget to clix me!)

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