Semi-post Migraine - (2002-05-28, 9:02 a.m.)

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Back at work today, but still wiped out. I feel that I can't even think straight. Yuck.

At any rate, I did get most of the things accomplished that I wanted to this weekend. I took some pictures of my tulips and the single daffodil that grew, and some general pictures of the garden. When I get a chance I will post them, but I have to find the time to download them from the digital camera.

And one of the other highlights of the weekend, we went out to eat with my parents at the Cormorant Pub, and I got to drive. This isn't any ordinary trip though. My Dad builds cars, remember? I got to drive the hot rod all the way out there. Yes, the one that does low 12s in the quarter mile track and is ridiculously fast. The car sounds like it's breathing when it idles. So yes, that was much fun. I enjoy fast cars, I just wish that I didn't get car sick sometimes.

My migraine is still with me though. It's a dull throb at the back of my head. But still with me nevertheless. At least I'm mobile today, unlike yesterday where I didn't get out of bed until 7 PM. Thanks for all the kind wishes regarding the migraine thing.

On a side note, has anyone ever heard of the Imitrex shot? Amy, any information on this? My migraine meds just dope me up so badly, and all I want is to just feel better. *sigh* I haven't had a migraine this bad since October or November of 99. Yuck.

Anyhow, I'll get through this day somehow. It will just take persistence! Oh yes, and please gimme some Clix. Ugh, my rating sucks today.

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