Not Mousers - (2002-05-24, 8:28 a.m.)

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How many cats do I have? Four.

So guess who caught the mouse that we found in the house yesterday morning?


That's right. Our cats are not interested in mice in the house. Give them a fuzzy sparkly ball, a tape measure or a paper bag and they're all feisty, but a mouse?

Forget it, apparently.

I do have to give credit to Chester though, he was trying to fit his chubby little self underneath the recliner when the mouse was under there. Everyone else was not interested at all. Apparently Hubby used my shoe to kill the mouse.

Good grief.

The thing is, Simon and Hercules catch mice and birds outside, but apparently their ambition doesn't cross over to protecting "their house."

So yes, that was the excitement at our house yesterday.

I got almost all of my potting done last night, and finally got my hair colored. I have four pots left to finish up, and I still need to work on my dress and get that finished up. To many projects! Hopefully I'll get those pots done this weekend and get a chance to work on my dress on Sunday, and perhaps almost finish it up.

In other news, Hubby and my Dad should have Hubby's motorcycle painted up by the end of the weekend. It's going to be a dark sagey green. Very pretty. Actually the same color that Dad is painting the Jesse James bike that someone owns in town. He's really doing it just for fun, but how prestigious is that to be asked to paint a hand built bike? Pretty impressive as far as I'm concerned. When they get all done I'll have to post some pictures, no?

That's about all for today. I have six days left on the phone including today. Yes, I'm excited. Sometimes I just don't feel challenged anymore. Even though I've been on three different accounts in four different positions being on the phone is just not challenging anymore. So change will be good in a promotion. :)

Happy Friday everyone. And Happy Memorial day! Don't forget to thank those that have fought to keep our freedoms. Hubby is putting up the Marine Corps flag this morning.

Semper fi!

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