Chester and Homer - (2002-05-22, 8:23 a.m.)

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My body is all wonky today and I don't know why. I have a tummy ache, and last night I was just exhausted. I fell asleep around 9 PM (that's why I didn't answer your call) but Chester kitty had me up off and on until midnight.

Someone...ahem. Chester--has decided to get rowdy around the time that I was trying to fall asleep for the second time. I put ice cubes in the cat's water dish as they seem to really love that, and he was tossing them around so badly that he spilled the whole water dish. Ugh. So I emptied out what was left, picked up all the ice cubes and refilled the water, and of course he spilled it all over again. So then he was running around up and down on the furniture just going crazy.

I have to say that I'm becoming a sure shot with the water bottle. LOL He just doesn't settle down, it's like when the lights go out it's time to have a kitty party! Then of course Homer gets all riled up and they are chasing each other around the house. Chester and Homer are not little cats either. They are both quite round, so you can about imagine the ruckus this creates.

I'm sure that you and you are laughing right now with that image, but all I'm asking is that you feel for me, okay??? LOL I'll send the crew over to your house and see how you like it!

So that's why I'm tired today. Crazy kitties.

Also, I got some good news yesterday too. :) My bonus for last month is $250. Cool, that's a good thing, especially after what we dropped on my lil' upgrade.

That's about all that's going on around here. It rained again last night so I doubt that I will be outside gardening. Maybe I'll pot some flowers, I don't know yet. Depends on how I feel.

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