Random Guestbook Signing Week - (2002-05-21, 8:26 a.m.)

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Nine more days on the phone. And I have to say after yesterday that this is a relief! I seemed to have one FUBAR after another, and we were so busy. There was one guy that I was on the phone with for over an hour, and his english was, well, lacking. So he created a mess for himself by telling me to cancel his reservation, and then the space was not available to rebook on when he decided not to exchange his reservation. So that cost him around $800. Sorry dude, you told me to cancel. If United Airlines doesn't have the space available anymore, that's nothing that I can fix. That's your bad.

Anyhow, it's going to be a warm and windy day here in MN/ND. I don't know for sure if I have to work tonight at the jewelery store or not, but to be honest I'm so tired that it wouldn't be a loss if I didn't. PMS makes me so incredibly tired.

Oh, and by the way...did you know that it's random guestbook signing week? Yes, go into the members area and pick someone from random that has updated recently and let them know that you were reading what they had to say. I have to say that I've been doing this, and it's been an awful lot of fun. Thanks to Jenne1017 for this wonderful idea. She's so creative! So go sign some random person's guestbook!

Hopefully it's not going to be quite as busy as it was yesterday. I think they realized to late that we were getting hit so hard on the phones, but at least they noticed and things got better later on in the afternoon rather than never.

Anyhow, time to get on task. It's 8:30 and that means that the phones are going to start!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

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