QA moving on up! - (2002-05-20, 8:45 a.m.)

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A peaceful day yesterday.

Got some gardening done, almost all of my annuals are now in pots, with the exception of some coleus that I need to pair with some sweet potato vine and then I'm done. I got all the outside plants that I've been keeping indoors over the winter outside on the trailer, so we're hardening them off to the outdoors. We're still having cool nights, so pulling them into the garage is a great option. I'm excited for next weekend as I plan on raking all the leaves out of the garden, trimming back the old stems from my perennials and weeding like heck. So once again I'll be busy with that.

Did I mention that I got some great news on the work related front? Yes, I'm starting my new position the 3rd of June instead of the 1st of July. I guess the existing Quality Assurance Managers aren't able to keep up with all the stuff that they have going on while providing monitoring to all the phone agents, so I'll be done on the phone in two weeks! Yay!!!

Seriously, the team that they've assembled over there is wonderful, and I'm really looking forward to being over there in a new position that's going to challenge me more than being a phone agent. Sometimes that's just not all that challenging anymore, and it's not the same thing day after day, but it's close. I'm ready for a bigger challenge, and I have the feeling that this is going to be above and beyond my challenge expectations.

The really cool thing though has to be that there are some more senior members of this team that will be more than happy to mentor me and get me on the right track. A**** is someone that I've worked with before on other accounts, and she's simply wonderful. I've always liked her both as a team leader and as a QA manager. Very good person to be working with right off the bat.

So yes, I'm having all these really cool things happening to me.

Also, I weighed myself yesterday and I'm down to 146 lbs. again. I only have 11 to 16 lbs. left to lose, and I have GOT to do that before we go to Sturgis SD this summer where I will be wearing skimpy tops as it's so freaking hot there. I'll also need to stock up on the sunscreen (Thanks Skincaregirl!) to be sure that I don't burn the fair skin and make my tattoos look dark and icky.

Also, a side note. I'm number 3 in Clix overall! Wow, I never thought I would do that well! Thanks for all the support! :D

So that's about all that's been going on here. I'm really enjoying my new and improved wedding set still, it's awfully pretty and I appreciate it every time I look at it. Which in my job, I look at my hands a lot! :)

Have a wonderful Monday!

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