Lbrty828 and T**** - (2002-05-19, 9:48 a.m.)

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Guess what I'm wearing on my ring finger of my left hand? Yes, it's that new diamond that I've been drooling over! Hubby surprised me with it last night, and it's like night and day as to how my wedding set looks. It's awfully pretty, and as big as I would want to go with my wedding set. Of course, bigger isn't always better, I would rather have a nearly perfect diamond that is almost flawless than a huge diamond that isn't as white or as clear as what I have.

To sum it up, diamonds run on a color scale from E on down to Z. E is colorless, Z is industrial all the way. Usually the diamonds that you see in fine jewelery are in the G-I categories. Mine is at E-F. So it's almost colorless. Tom also only gets ideal cut stones, so that makes a difference as well as sparkle too. With regards to clarity, you can go from flawless to VS1 (very slight inclusions), VS2, S1, S1 (slight) and imperfect. I have a VS1. :) Tom told me that the stone is in the top one percent of all fine jewelery, and for what I ended up paying for -- er, working off -- I couldn't have passed it up.

Anyhow, on to the next topic. I'm just excited about my wedding set, and what it means to me is immense, so I tend to go on and on...

We had a wonderful weekend. It's so nice to have T**** here. The only thing that would have made this whole weekend better is if his wifey and kid could have come along too. Hubby and he had an absolute blast, and he's really connected with my parents.

In fact, being as though he lost his Dad as a young man, we talked about it quite a bit last night, and he says that even in these few days that my Dad reminds him so much of his Dad and what a kind person he was, that he kind of wants my Dad to be step-in grandpa to his daughter, as he doesn't have much family to provide to her as far as grandparents go. I'm sure Dad will be thrilled, as he really enjoyed hanging out and talking with T****. I know for a fact that he's going to love love love D as much if not more than T**** to, so I'm of course pretty enthused about this.

We had a long talk last night after we got home, and I think Hubby and I were more of an influence in their early married life than we ever could have knew. Of course, every married couple has their squabbles, and I was always there for both of them, as was Hubby. When anything would go wrong, I would go over there and talk to both of them to get things ironed out. Invited to do so, I might add, not an intruder getting into someone elses' business. That's not my style at all, but I like to help others. I get that from my parents for sure.

See, in Quantico our house was always gathering central, and we had a lot of very close friends out there. Hubby treats and thinks of this select group of guys as brothers just as much as he thinks of Toby as his brother. Being as though I didn't have siblings, I can't comprehend this, but what I can say is that some of these strong women that I had met are the best friends that anyone could ever ask for. See, D and I see eye to eye on everything except for our height. She's 5'4" and I'm 5'7". Heh. So yes, we think alike a great deal. It makes for trouble sometimes, but it can be one hell of a fun shopping time too. Ahem. IKEA. 'Nuff said.

What I'm trying to say here, is that it's such a great feeling to know that others think of you in such a positive manner, and that Hubby and my relationship is something that others look up to. I guess I never thought of it that way before. T***** and D both think that it's just the coolest thing that I'm working and Hubby's going to school. Yes, we couldn't do it without my pay, but we couldn't do it without the GI bill either, and what the Army National Guard kicks in.

But it's such a warm fuzzy feeling to know that your bestest friends look up to you just as you do to them.

And T**** sometimes just "knows things." He said that we're going to be great parents and it's going to be announced in about a year and a half. :D We'll have to see, but even if I were to get pregnant unplanned, I'm sure that we would be fine. Mother/Father God does everything for a reason, so I have no doubts about that at all.

But yes, we had a wonderful time this weekend, and T**** got to meet some of our friends around the area, and see some of the places to go and things to do, and we just had a wonderful time. Again, the only thing that would have made it cooler is if D could have been here.

I know she reads here too, and I want you to know that I love ya girlfriend! And I wish that you were here.

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