Potluck Friday - (2002-05-17, 8:30 a.m.)

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Well, yesterday turned out okay. I talked to a jerk the first thing in the morning, and a jerk last call of the day.

That last guy was totally a corker though. He "didn't have a lot of confidence" in what I was telling him. Whatever, I've only been in the airline website support area for a year and a half and soon I'll be a supervisor for Quality Assurance. If you want to be doubtful, that's all you.

And he told me he didn't like my "pissy attitude." Well "sir, I don't appreciate you using that language. And I won't warn you again." LOL I don't put up with any crap!

So last night we cooked steaks, corn and all kinds of yummy stuff because we have company and it was Hubby's grades celebration. He ended his freshman year with a 3.4--so yes, he's doing well. Although with all his calculus that he's doing now he told me that he's dreaming about it now!

It really is nice to have company though, and from the sounds of it he's not getting bored when we're not home. He took Zeus for a walk all the way into town yesterday, and was outside playing with him for a good part of the day too. You can tell, as Zeusy was pretty tired last night, and was ready for bed around 9 PM. Normally he's up until 11 or midnight, but not last night! He was literally all played out.

Tonight I have to work at the jewelery store, and T and Hubby are going to come by. *evil snicker* I'm going to get Hubby cornered and make him look at that marquise stone and some of the other goodies that I've got my eye on.

And to top it all off, we're having pot luck at work today. I love potluck, but it makes it so hard to stay away from the sugary treats and calorie loaded goodies. And potato chips with all the salt, carbs and calories! They're totally my downfall. Chips and crackers. I'm such a carb and salt junkie it's kind of sad.

Oh well, it's a beautiful day outside, and I'm going to get to eat yummy food and corner my husband with jewelery!

Life is good. :)

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