Uh oh. - (2002-05-16, 8:45 a.m.)

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This is already not so fun of a morning. Sounds like someone screwed up back in December on a reservation, and I happened to try to process an exchange on it yesterday. Ugh...

Anyhow, this means that they goofed, and I didn't notice. So I goofed on top of it. The customer is totally pissed, and told me to f*^& off when I called him back this morning.

At least I was able to prove that I didn't split the record, which is where the whole problem started. Yuck.

It's going to be a busy day too. We already have calls on hold, and usually we don't until around 10:30 AM. I'm not sure if we're short agents today or what's going on, but it's shaping up to be a pretty awful day.

Yes, I just looked. We're short agents today. About five. Aaauuugh!

On a brighter note, our house guest was able to return last night from Minot, it sounds as though his job up there was pretty quick. Even though I was in bed by the time he arrived, it's nice to have him. :) Just wish that his wifey could have come with too! I really miss her, and haven't seen their daughter since the day after she was born.

I'm going to stop here, I just seem to be frustrating myself more and more.

Hope that your day goes better than mine is starting out to be.

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