Renewed Vigor and a Visitor - (2002-05-15, 8:19 a.m.)

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We had a very pleasant surprise last night! Lbrty828's husband was able to make it up to our area last night and we spent until 11 PM talking. Then Hubby got home and they both stayed up until 3 AM playing catch up, messing around with the paintball stuff and talking about who knows what! He was pretty tired this morning, and went back to bed after I left this morning. It's great to have him, and when he gets back on Thursday night it's going to be more fun too!

On another note, I made it up to slot 53 on Clix yesterday! Thanks to all of you who clixed me, that was really fun for me to see!

Apparently we're expecting high call volume today, so I may be a frazzled Katress by the end of the day. At least I don't have to work job number 2 this evening, and I'm thinking when I get home me and the couch have a date. Someone has to make sure that it doesn't go anywhere sometimes, you know. :)

As for eating and dieting, with my busy schedule I've backslid about 5 lbs. That's pretty depressing, but seeing the results and the returning extra (well more of a bulge that is) is pretty depressing. So I'm determined to make a better go of it this time. Perhaps I need to post publicly what I'm eating and what my weight is currently once a week. That would keep me motivated via shame if I backslide!

Cosmicrayola has been giving me some wonderful diet tips and encouragement, so I'm going to try to use her as a source of inspiration! She's done wonderfully with a "sensible eating" diet, and I'm going to try to emulate her, and hopefully have as wonderful results as she has.

So I brought a sugar free chocolate bar, caffiene free diet soda and homemade chili to work today for a bit of carbohydrate, and should be able to have a reasonable meal tonight.

I just love junk food! I can't help it! :) Me and the rest of the free world for the most part, right?

Anyhow, I should go get back on task. Have a great Wednesday "hump" day! hehe.

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