Kind of a Downer - (2002-05-14, 8:21 a.m.)

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A bit of bad news last night. Firstly, Hubby didn't buy enough lumber to complete the deck, so it's taking about $500 rather than the $300 that we initially thought that it would take to complete. I do have to say though, it's going to be just about the back yard of my dreams. So incredibly pretty, and it mandates that we have a party this summer, if not several! There's a very large area for the deck surrounded by all my flowers, and it's just going to be so pretty when I get everything cleaned up and things start to bloom in June and July. :) So this makes me happy, but I just wish that it didn't cost so darn much!

Secondly, I found out that Lbrty828 isn't going to be coming down next weekend. I understand that it's a long haul for a two year old, but I still wish that they could all come, rather than just her husband. Hubby is just soooo excited to see his buddy though, they have an exciting weekend planned of shooting on the new range, drinking and just catching up. So that's good, he's going to be the first visitor that we've had from our time in Quantico. And I am very thankful that we have the space for him to stay. So I'm very much looking forward to seeing him too, as I miss him almost as much as I miss Lbrty828.

Lastly, Hubby keeps making excuses not to come in to the jewelery store. I want that diamond, but I'm not sure that I am comfortable just saying "go ahead" with that marquis. I will make enough to cover it (and maybe to get that sapphire ring too!) but I want him to SEE it before I do it. Just kind of to get his blessing, you know? I mean, it's my wedding set, and this is kind of a big deal to me. Of course it is, it's what he picked out for me. *sigh* I'm just tempted to say "do it" though.

Lastly, as you can see below, I finally set up a clix account. I had been debating doing this for a while, but I finally did it. I should make a cute graphic to go with it rather than just a text link, but I haven't had time to do so just yet.

Oh well, at least I got my house all picked up last night and the bathrooms wiped down, so we're pretty ready for company. That's an accomplishment, and I got Hubby to fold all the laundry that has stacked up that I haven't had time to fold. Time to wash yes, but time to fold? Forget it.

Anyhow, happy Tuesday, and don't forget to clix me! :)

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