Mother's Day - (2002-05-13, 8:22 a.m.)

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Whew! No time to update this weekend, that's for sure!

It was a good weekend and a sad weekend.

One of my good friends is from St. Louis, and she's been going to school up here. She graduated and we threw a surprise going away party for her. It was very sad when she left...there were about 10 of us sniffling and blowing our noses left in the living room at my friends house. Sara cried and cried, but she had to leave around 11 PM as she had to get on the road very early the next morning. The party kind of broke up after that, but it was great to have a chance to send her off, bittersweet though it was. We're all encouraged to go and visit her, and she said that she's going to get back up to our area as much as possible. But it was sad anyhow.

For Mother's Day Mom and I went garden shopping. It was a lot of fun, and I bought her a shrub rose for her gift. She picked it out, and I purchased it for her.

I spent around $100 on plants for my pots, and some are going to be houseplants eventually. Even still, Hubby was like "you spent how much? You're kidding, right?" Nope! :) He's working on finishing the back deck, so I have to have plants in pots to put on there, right? Of course I do!

He should just be happy that I have cuttings for around 40 geraniums that I'm going to use for landscaping, and at $4 a piece, that adds up to pretty significant savings over what I would have spent otherwise. And it's going to be so incredibly pretty in the back yard, so I'm excited. He figures that he should have the deck done by Wednesday, so I'll have some potting to do right quick.

So I'm looking forward to that, but I just wish that I had some time to do it tonight! Work at the other job calls my name though, so I have to set priorities, right?

I figured out how much I'm making per week at the second job. It should be enough to get that new marquis diamond that I want for my ring. Hubby feels kind of funny about that, as he doesn't think that I should be the one working for it. But I guess the logic is that we share a checking account and savings account anyway, and with his blessing I should be able to get what I want to with the money that I earn from job number two. I agree, and I should be able to make enough to cover the $1000 probably. If not, I'm going to get those sapphire earrings and the sapphire ring that scream my name every minute that I'm at work! :)

So that's about all that's been going on around Katress land. Lbrty828 is trying to find plane tickets up to our area, and her husband is going to be here Thursday night. Very much looking forward to seeing at least him, if not all three of them---hopefully! I miss their family an awful lot.

Suppose I should go get on task here. Have a happy Monday!

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