Visitors! - (2002-05-10, 8:25 a.m.)

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Guess what? It sounds like we may have company diaryland style next weekend!

Lbrty828 and her husband are going to be up in the area, and are going to stop by and spend the weekend with us!

I haven't seen her cute little daughter since the day that she was born, so I am very excited to see how big she's gotten. Of course they send me pictures, but you can't snuggle a picture and a picture can't call you "Auntie Katress."

It turns out that her husband has to travel up to an Air Force Base in ND, and our place is about half way there. So he's going to schedule himself to be coming back through Friday afternoon or evening, and she may (hopefully) drive up and meet him with their daughter and hang out with us for the weekend.

I'm so excited! :)

We haven't seen them since we moved away from Quantico in September 2000, so it's been quite a while. To long in fact.

It's tough sometimes to keep in touch with all the friends that we've made out in VA. Everyone has spread out all over the country. Steve and Flor in Northern CA, Jason and Lucinda in DC still, but soon to be in Chicago, and three families down in MO--two Murphys and one Leonick.

It's fun to talk to them, but I feel like I'm missing parts of their lives, and being as though we used to see each other several times a week that's hard. Our house used to be gathering and party central, and I miss that. One of those things where if "you're in doubt, go over to Katress and Hubby's house and everyone will be over there."

Anyhow, that's my news for today.

Don't forget to pet Neko up in the corner!

Happy Friday, hope that everyone has a relaxing weekend. :)

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