Wonderful Husband! - (2002-05-09, 8:19 a.m.)

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You know how wonderful my husband is? He's so wonderful he fed me cookie dough last night on the couch as we watched Star Wars Episode I together. :) So much for the diet, right? LOL

He's cleaned the house this week for me, and since my time has been at a premium since I'm working two jobs, well I can't tell you how much I appreciate that!

He's picking up the house today too, since we kind of made a mess last night watching that movie.

He also cooked supper last night, chicken parmesan, and it was wonderful!

He went grocery shopping and bought all the health food that I've been trying to stick to, but when I was sick he went and got me two McDonalds double cheeseburger meals. That must be where the weight that I've gained back has come from...

He's just been such a help since he's done with finals, I just can't explain how much I appreciate it. I know that he reads here sometimes, so I am hoping that he does today. :)

He's gotten most of his grades back too, three As and two Bs. Of course I have to tease him since he got one of the Bs in intro Psychology, which I taught for two years though. But then again, there's no way that I would have passed Digital Systems and any of the math classes that he's taken, so I guess he's "allowed" to get a B in Psych. Heh.

On a separate note, it's May 9th, right? Someone needs to tell Mother Nature that it's springtime, rather than sending us this never-ending rain that has turned into SNOW over the last 24 hours. Of course, there's no accumulation here, thank goodness, but up further North and to our West there has been. What's up with this weather??? Usually by this time Minnesotans are going out to the lakes and the brave ones are water skiing already. We're out on the pontoon boats and cruising the lake!

The wind and the rain, not to mention the cold temperatures have kept us all inside. This is just not okay, and I am NOT enjoying it. My tulips and daffodils (which mostly it's to cold to grow here in the winters) are just starting to branch out and I'm afraid that this crappy weather is going to interfere with their blooming. *sigh*

Well I suppose, it's time to start my workday. Happy Thursday everyone!

By the way, I added a Neko up in the upper left hand corner of my site here. He's a little white kitty, and if you click on him, he'll chase your mouse pointer! Cute!

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