Wednesday Blah - (2002-05-08, 8:37 a.m.)

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Back at work again. Still stuffy as heck, still achy. But what's a girl to do? Gotta make the money, you know?

Not a whole lot to report in Katress-land as far as news goes. It's been raining here and we're forcast for some snow. Apparently someone hasn't told Mother Nature that it's supposed to be summer. Not to mention spring. I'm worried that the cold temps and snow are going to hurt my tulips and daffodils that are a few days away from finally blooming! This is their first season too. *sigh*

When I got to work this morning it appears as though I've lost my work pet. I gave Edgar III a burial at sea this morning via the toilet. He was my faithful desk friend for about 9 months. He will be missed.

But possibly replaced. ???

My supervisor told me that she noticed that he was floating in an unnatural manner on Monday morning, and she wanted to go out and get me an Edgar IV, but didn't have the time to, as her hours here have been a bit wonky. Poor Edgar.

It just amazes me the amount of people that don't know what their email address is! That's something that we ask for when you first call so that we can access your account online. But it doesn't help when people don't know what their email address is. Some people...

Anyhow, that's about all that I have to talk about today, and I'm going to end here because I'm even boring myself!

Happy Wednesday everyone. :)

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