In Law Bliss - (2002-05-06, 9:00 p.m.)

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I am feeling better than this morning where I ran out of steam. That cold that everyone has been passing around finally got to me, although I must admit that before it would have had me off my feet for three days, where now I'm feeling better this evening. I started feeling icky sometime yesterday afternoon, so this is surely an improvement.

And of course I have to wish my wonderful parents a happy thirty fifth wedding anniversary today.

I happen to have come to the knowledge that my Dad stopped at the jewelery store today while Kathy (owners wife) distracted my Mom and bought her a beautiful diamond and ruby anniversary band. :) I assume she got it tonight, or when she reads this I've ruined the surprise. But he told me that he was going to give it to her tonight, so I guess I'll risk it. It's very pretty and sparkly, and she deserves it.

On the other hand, my MIL must think I'm all knowing as far as anything travel related on the internet goes. She called yesterday to ask me about Priceline which is a website that I haven't worked on. My company does not provide their support, so I have no idea how they work.

Anyhow, I redirected her to other sources and told her that she had better get going on her passport.

That's the thing about my in laws though, the don't really make plans until the last minute because they're to busy sitting around on the couch making sure that America's television is all functioning. These are the people that I've talked about before with the siding that melts in the summer---because it's to hot to put it on. And remember, you see lots of houses melting in the South.

Anyhow, something makes me think that they're not going to get over to Germany to see my B and SIL. By July they're lucky if they'll even get passports, much less be able to afford the airfare. But go figure, they've talked about going over to Germany for years, I honestly doubt that it will happen this time either.

Of course my S-SIL (the slut) doesn't want to go. She'll kick herself for it later when she gets older I'm sure. Of course her main goal in life is to work as much as possible and get a new car. Yeah, she's 15. I still don't have a new car and I'm 26. Oh well, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink, right? Their ignorance is like that. I'm so happy that Hubby isn't like them at all.

Of course another thing that burns me up is that there was no talk at all in regards to coming to visit us when we were in Quantico. Not that I think I could stand my inlaws for that long of a time at this point, but back then I could have. We lived out there for two years, and my parents came out twice. My in laws hardly made time for us when we were home on leave! Of course MIL took all the days off of work, but we never ever saw her. Nope, she never called either. We had to call her. What a martyr.

At any rate, I'm taking my tired butt to bed. I slept all freaking day and I'm still tired and feeling really bloaty. Not alltogether a good thing, no?

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