Sorry you Missed Me! - (2002-05-05, 8:16 p.m.)

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Whew! So much to talk about, so little time to update!

Currently Hubby is taking a saw after our laundry room door. The doorknob broke and we can't get into the laundry room. So hacksaw it is. :)

So...for what's been up around here.

I had a great time at work on Saturday, it was very busy and I sold a lot of jewelery. Also was talking to Tom (owner) during a lull and was asking if he had any loose stones, 1/3 karat marquise cut very clear and very white.

Well, yes. He has one. It's what I want for my wedding set and it's beyoootiful. Retail on this ideal cut marquise .37 carat G color with no inclusions (don't I sound professional?) is $2400. He's going to let me buy it below cost if we decide to at $1000. Even my Mom says that we would be stupid to pass this up.

Not that the diamond that I have in my wedding set is bad, it's just not all that great. What can I say, Hubby was an E-4 with no money when we were engaged. I'm just happy I didn't get a band!

But I have to admit, you hold the new diamond up against the one that I have and mine looks not so great. It's become very easy for me to tell quality just by looking at someone's ring by now, and it's interesting to see how much crap is really out there. Also how much cubic zirconia is out there too.

Kathy (owner's wife) had a great idea, take my current stone and set it in a pendant that I can wear. That's a great idea, I really like it! That way I still have the original stone that Hubby gave me, but a upgrade on the what-we-could-afford wedding set that I have now.


I hear the sound of the saws all. Like an electric saw. This concerns me. I'm going to try to ignore it. Hopefully he doesn't cut holes in the wall. Just kidding, he's pretty careful. But apparently the "thing came away from the dealie" so that's why he had to use the saws all and "operate."

Hubby just walked in here and said "I used a saws all to open a door. I feel like a MAN!" What a geek. :)

Today we had the graduation party and gift opening for my cousin. She's turned out to be such a cool young person, it's fun to spend time with her. She's going to stop by and see me at work on Tuesday night, and I'll get her set up with a wedding band and a ring for her fiancee. We were there for most of the day, until about 3:30 or so and it sounds like someone didn't get my email! I'm so sorry hon, I didn't find out it was going to be an all day thing until Saturday night. Way past any reasonable time to call either, as I was scared I was going to wake Warren up. *sigh* And I wanted to watch Episode I with you too, as Hubby bought it on DVD. What are you doing next weekend???

So tomorrow back to work. Again. Of course, I really don't like just having one day off in the week, but I am having an awful lot of fun at the jewelery store, and it's been a great learning experience. I may be able to make enough to pay for my diamond upgrade, maybe more. And did I mention that it's fun? Yes, it certainly is.

Better sign off, Hubby needs to use the computer. Have a relaxing Sunday!

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