Friday Stuff - (2002-05-03, 9:59 a.m.)

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Whew, busy day today. I work again tonight at the jewelery store, and then I'm going out to celebrate a friend's birthday this evening. Should be a lot of fun. She's kind of a drama queen, so the evening should be interesting!

I miss Hubby. I hardly got to see him this week because either he's working or I'm working, and this weekend he has guard drill and won't be home at all. *sigh* Oh well, at least we're making the money and don't have to worry about our bills that much.

Apparently Weezer was in town last night for a concert. I had no idea. Shows how busy I've been, as I would have liked to have gone to see them. They really bring back high school/college memories for me with their older stuff. :)

I added up my cost of all the samples that the nurse gave to me yesterday, and it's over $100. I love samples, and I know that Amy has mentioned in the past that people come into her office in tears because they can't pay for their prescriptions. Yeah, I'm paying around $50/month for just what I take, and I have to say that I can see where people would do that. My medical coverage is good, but it still all adds up.

There's really not a whole lot going on around here other than that. This entry is really boring, so I think I'll end right here.

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