Announcement - (2002-05-02, 12:54 p.m.)

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How cute is hubby? So very sweet. He bought me a cloned african violet from college. Who else do I know that has a cloned african violet? Nobody, that's who. He's so funny.

He also came and took me out for lunch today because he doesn't have any classes. So he's taking my car into have an oil change and took me to Wendy's for lunch. Mmmmm!

I had my doctor's "annual woman's appointment" this morning. Ick, I just hate that stuff. Not comfortable, that's for sure. I talked to him and the nurse about all of my prescriptions, and they gave me a TON of free samples of birth control pills, celexa and zyrtec. Yes, my allergies are kicking my butt again. What's new though, really?

Okay, don't kick me, but I took the job. I got a 3% raise plus the knowledge that there will be a bonus program implemented in the future. So I'm coming out ahead, and as far as the hours go, I'm not working late at night nor early early in the morning.

Did I mention that I'm also able to do some of my work from home? Very cool! :)

I think this is the right decision for me, as it gives me the opportunity to rise within the company and the ability to get more experience, which will make me more valuable of an employee. I'm paid well above the average supervisor salary--about $2.50 above their starting wage--so I'm making good money anyhow.

I start July 1 if not sooner in my new position, and I've heard through the grapevine so to speak of who else I'm going to be working with.

Basically, it means that I don't have to take calls anymore (YAY!!!) and I'll be working with a group of seriously kick ass people that I enjoy both personally and professionaly. Good thing. I'll also have the opportunity for some overtime regularly if I choose to do so, and with Hubby taking summer school classes this will be a good thing.

So yes, it's good.

Have a happy Thursday!

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