HELP! - (2002-05-01, 8:20 a.m.)

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Okay, here's the verdict. They offered me a QA position. But don't get your undies in a knot already.

I currently make a 7% bonus, and they are only offering me a 3% increase in pay with no bonuses. So this means that I will be receiving a 4% pay cut in order to take a job that has more responsibility and not so good hours.

My HR rep was going to talk to the person in charge of assigning hours and see if she could get me something earlier than a start time of 10 AM because you know, then my whole day is gone. I get no time in the morning and then don't get home until 7 PM or later, and don't get any time with my family.

So I'm just confused. Any feedback and ideas would be much appreciated.

I really want the job because it's a supervisory position, but I don't want the pay cut. And the hours. Ugh...

So I didn't accept it as of yet. Hopefully they'll be able to get me some better hours and hopefully we'll be able to get something figured out with the pay. I should be getting a raise then of 10% if they want to give me a 3% increase, but even if they're able to give me the same pay rate that I'm at right now with my regular bonus of 7%, I'll be happy.

Such decisions.

Please give me negotiation suggestions! I need them!

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