Adventures of Katress - (2002-03-09, 10:40 a.m.)

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Wow do I have a lot to say today!

We had a wonderful time last night for the most part. :) We went out to the Old Broadway (local bar) and had a few drinks and went over to CuteGirl's (J's girlfriend) friends house. That's where she's been staying.

Anyhow, after that we went to a keg party. Oh man, I am soooo to old for that bs. The only thing that I could think is "Oh my God, this is such a fire hazard being stuck in this basement with all these drunk stupid college kids and the floor is stable enough where I think it's going to fall in on me and if one more asshole butts into me I'm going to punch him!" The house was an absolute craphole and it was so full of people that I was just uncomfortable.

We told CuteGirl that we were going to leave as this was totally not what we wanted to do with our night--that is hang out with a bunch of rich private college kids who's parents buy them everything so they can screw off throughout college...

So we went upstairs to leave. Hubby almost got in a fight because this stupid dick was locking the exit door with string! Come on man, give me a break, you're not fooling anyone.

So we discovered that it was all the drinkers downstairs, all the drug addicts upstairs. Now I'm not talking like Wellbutrin or Paxil, I'm talking about tons and tons of pot, acid, E, you name it you could buy it in the dining room. Ick. And it stunk.

I've had my wilder days I admit, but I just have to much to lose now. I have a reasonable house, I have a wonderful car, Hubby has a wonderful car, I have the job of my dreams and need to pay for Hubby's college...etc. etc. and it's not worth screwing up and getting caught in a housefull of minors that are drunk, not to mention all the illegal substances.

Now I'm not saying that I'll never smoke pot again given the chance in a safe environment, but that was NOT a safe environment.

Did I mention that it's blizzarding here today and it was last night? Yep, so yours truly was the sober driver. Which is fine, I don't mind and I'm actually quite good at driving in the snow. My car handles like a dream in it too! :)

Anyhow, so after leaving shithole-party-house we went to another bar and J and Hubby continued to drink. It was funny, the stories started getting crazier and crazier! It's just so good to see those two together as they truly are best friends.

So after closing time I drove us home and was basically pushing snow with my car bumper at times. It's all good though, I hardly had anything to drink and I know when to say no.

After we get home CuteGirl decides that she wants to come out here because she misses J. On the way out she gets stuck in the ditch. Poor thing...

Some guy from Pizza Patrol gave her a ride back into Pizza Patrol and another guy gave her a ride all the way out here! We live way out in the country and the roads were soooo bad. That was a wonderful thing to do and I wish good karma on both of them. :)

So I haven't had any sleep hardly at all, but I'm happy-tired. Does that make sense? I'm the only one up in the house but I'm enjoying the quiet time.

I think I may work some more on my afghan and watch a DVD.

Happy Saturday everyone! Don't forget to sign my guestbook or my guest map. Over there on the right! Thanks. :)

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