Social Again - (2002-03-08, 10:09 a.m.)

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We had a wonderful time last night. I love love love having houseguests. Even if Hubby did get a little jealous as Zeus went in and slept by the "new people." :)

It was wonderful to see J. He looks wonderful and it was really great to see him and Hubby reminisce over the times that they had spent over in Okinawa together when they were stationed over there.

What are the chances though...getting stationed at the same spot as one of your best friends that joined almost a year ahead of you? I would guess slim to none, but Hubby also made friends with someone else from his city that he had gone to high school with but had never met! Small world.

Anyhow we went to several bars in the area and just had a good time. J even danced with me as his girlfriend doesn't like to dance. That was fun as I usually don't get much of an opportunity to do out and shake my groove thang. :)

Hubby can dance, but he's usually to busy talking to others.

We got home about 1 AM and just all crashed. Getting up this morning wasn't nearly as bad as I had expected. This is a good thing as I've been so exhausted lately...

The Paxil dose seems to be helping. I'm still extremely shaky though, and sometimes that makes it hard to type. That side effect makes me very uncomfortable, but I've been told it's going to get better.

I'm the typical American though, I want it my way and I want it now! I need to work on my patience. Meds usually take two weeks or more to work and I've only been taking this increased dose for a few days. *sigh*

It will get better though, I'm determined that it will. But today I feel more like myself than I have for a long time.

I'm not sure that it's because we actually went out and did something last night or that my meds are starting to work or just simply the combination of the two that's gotten me in a pretty positive mood today.

At any rate I'm very happy with the result. I'm also happy for this person but you'll have to ask her why yourself. :) She has many reasons to be happy though.

And I'm finally realizing that I do to!

Now go sign my guestmap and make me smile even wider. It's over on the right.

Hi banner people! Go sign my guestbook please!

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