Allergies, Panic and New Carpet - (2002-03-04, 7:29 a.m.)

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Ugh, I almost had a panic attack again last night. It was around the same time as the last one, about 11:00 PM and once again I was lying in bed watching TV waiting to fall asleep. It didn't get me though, I had Hubby rub my back and when that quit working I got up and made myself some oatmeal and walked around a bit. When I felt better I went back to bed and fell right asleep.

I wasn't really anxious at all earlier in the day, it just kind of came out of nowhere. That feeling of flapping my hands and running around in circles in my head again is just awful.

To top it off today I'm all stuffed up and my nose is running. Yuck. I hope that I'm not getting that stupid flu that's been going around. That's the last thing that I need as I'm out of sick time and personal time at work. So now if I miss work I don't get paid.


We finished putting the carpeting in the kitchen yesterday. It's beautiful and so soft and warm on my toes. I still can't get over how nice it looks! If I knew that it was going to be that easy and cheap we would have done it a year ago when we first moved in. I'm sick and tired of dealing with all the dust bunnies that are created from the three cats and a dog that sheds all the time.

Don't worry. it's not like regular carpeting though. It's short berber without the padding, so it will clean up very nicely with the carpet cleaner. I'm not crazy, you know! Regular carpeting in the kitchen would be asking for trouble.

We were talking about allergies at work today. I'm allergic to all kinds of stuff. Some shampoo, conditioner and hair products (TIGI), soap--I can only use some stuff from the Nature Store, SoftSoap and Johnson's Baby soap, and laundry detergent. Just Arm & Hammer. Tide or anything else, forget it...I'll be one massive itchy red spot.

That's all that I can think about to write now. I'm tired and I should get back on task. I have to finish some paperwork from last month. Whoops. :)

And this from Blaise today.

Which My Little Pony Are You?
How cute is this? I used to love My Little Ponies. I had all of them at one time. Obviously at some point it was impossible to keep up with all that they were coming out with. :)

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