Thankful - (2002-03-02, 11:16 a.m.)

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I am thankful that I have a husband that loves me.

I'm thankful that he's a hottie. :)

I'm thankful for my three cats, they let me bury my face in their fur for comfort whenever I want.

I'm thankful for wonderful friends, both in real life and those I've met through d-land.

I'm thankful that one has gotten in touch with me after many years. Love ya Jenn.

I'm thankful for my goofy dog, and that we're getting along much better now that he listens.

I'm thankful that I'm finding my medication is working.

I'm thankful that I have the money to pay for it.

I'm thankful that I have a job that I love, wonderful people that surround me there, and for that big fat raise that will help me put Hubby through college.

I'm thankful for the GI bill, as that means that Hubby can go to school full time and work just part time.

I'm thankful that my parents live next door.

I'm also thankful that my Mom is my best friend.

I'm thankful that when I have car problems I have the knowledge and a warm place within which to fix it.

I'm thankful for my vacuum cleaner, as this means that I have a house to vacuum and pets that dirty it up along with an active husband! LOL

I'm thankful that someone thought of Diet Coke with Lemon. Mmmmm.

I'm thankful for the wonderful women of Ladies World Domination and Reading Society, as I've met some wonderfully talented and interesting people both through the members and read books that I wouldn't have otherwise.

I'm thankful for all the wonderful support I've gotten and will get through d-land regarding my depression. You just have to go look at my guestbook to see that.

What are you thankful for?

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