Still Tired - (2002-03-01, 10:09 a.m.)

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I am still really shaky this morning. One of my co-workers brought in caramel rolls and juice, and I noticed when I was pouring juice that I was almost spilling it all over. I spoke to a friend about this, and he said that the tremors very likely will get worse before they get better. I'm just not comfortable with that.

Sometimes I feel like my quest for the correct medication is just all consuming. It's all that I think about, and I've been reading about it quite a bit online through searches and the like. I get so sick of being tired all the time and I'm just generally frustrated. I do have to admit that I'm hoping with all my heart, but I'm not sure if I am liking the path to get there...if that makes any sense.

I'm also not sure that I like the idea of taking medication for the rest of my life. I don't know that I want to rely on pills to determine my personality forever.

Anyhow, on a happy note I got a phone call from my good friend M, and she and her husband are coming up to visit this weekend. Not staying with us, but with her parents. We grew up together so it's good to see her when they come to town. She wants us to meet them at a local karoke bar as her husband is a karoke nut. I do have to admit, it's fun to watch him sing, he's a total ham!

So energy permitting we're going out for a bit tonight. Not that I can drink anything, but that's not the point. I do really enjoy their company and it may do me good to get out of the house for awhile.

I think a big nap is in order this afternoon when I go home. I still only have to work a half day, and I have to use up my sick/personal time that I've accrued for it...and I don't think I have enough to cover all the time that I've missed, but honestly I don't care. My priority is feeling better, and we have money in savings to pay the bills for awhile, so what!

I had better get going here, this entry is starting to get depressing.

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