I'm getting a raise! - (2002-02-28, 10:25 a.m.)

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Another day, another set of drugs. I swear, I feel like Alice in Wonderland..."this pill will make you larger, and this one will make you smaller." This time though, I think we may have found a winner.

The Wellbutrin was kicking my butt. I was sleepy constantly and it was just impossible to get myself out of the house, or out of the chair or out of bed for that matter. I can't recall ever feeling that sluggish before in my life.

I got in to see my regular Doctor last night about 5 PM, and he's adding Paxil to my regimen. So last night I took my first Paxil and this morning and I'm rather shaky and feeling kind of agitated. I'm thinking that the combination that he prescribed of the Wellbutrin and Paxil might be my best bet.

In work related news, I am working 1/2 days for the rest of the week and my Account Manager is going to bat for me. Apparently my company has some sort of Family Emergency type of thing where if you are in crisis and have medical documentation for either yourself or your significant other, the time is just paid by the company rather than pulled out of your sick and personal time. That's pretty fantastic.

My cubicle mate just gave me licorice. I love licorice.

I've also gotten "I'm concerned about you" emails from two other co-workers. It's just nice to know that others are concerned about me and that I am really missed when I am gone. One of them has actually taken Paxil and he said that it's normal to be a little agitated and shaky for about the first two weeks that you're taking it. I'll have to ask my Mom, as she's taken it before too.

Also, the biggest news of all...I'm getting a big fat 33% raise. Yep, the new bonus program that they have is a doozy. I'll be getting that, plus around 15% per month on top of that for bonus. My boss and account manager were so excited to tell me this morning, and they also told me that I'm worth every penny. :) That makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and it is not the medication this time! LOL

And thanks to you for the lovely e-card. It was very sweet.

So yes, all in all a rather good day. :)

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