Not working - (2002-02-27, 3:41 p.m.)

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This is going to be a quick one. Things are not going well, and in a nutshell I feel as though I've been run over and I can't put two coherent thoughts together in my head. This Wellbutrin is not working and I'm going backwards. Not good.

My regular doctor is the walk-in doctor this evening, so I'm going in to see him. I can't continue to feel like this and function. I fell asleep in the shower this morning! Not normal! I feel like I can hardly keep my eyes open, that they're at half mast all the time. Hopefully I'll be able to get the medication thing figured out with my regular doctor sooner rather than later, because this is hell.

I got an email from one of my co-workers today, she's worried about me. I wrote her back about what's been going on, but I'm not sure that I want to share my personal life with everyone at work, you know? Depression seems to carry with it prejudice, like this is my fault or that there is something wrong with me, when the only thing that is really wrong is that my brain chemicals aren't working correctly. It's not like I'm going to go out and kill someone or have a breakdown right in front of everyone, nor am I a psycho. But I don't want to be treated like one from others that don't understand. I shared with my co-worker because I know that she won't tell others and because I know that I can trust her. But what do I say when other people that I don't know that well ask me why I've been gone so much? I'm just not sure.

It must get better from this point, it absolutely has to! Send happy medication vibes my way, would you?

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