Tired - (2002-02-25, 10:49 a.m.)

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I'm trying not to push it, so I stayed home from work today. Hubby got kind of mad at me as he thinks that I need to get out of the house, but I'm the only one that knows how I really feel inside. I feel that I need one more day to myself.

That and I think I may be getting the flu. I swear, if it's not one thing, it's another. *sigh*

I'm still tired. Not sleepy--but tired. It's hard to explain, but I'm still just wanting to veg. Read and pet the kitties and work on my afghan. For God's sake, the last person at work that had this happen (not that there's been lots, but you know...) was out for two weeks and then was part time for a month. Not that I am that bad, but I think a little time to myself is nothing horrible.

Why do I feel the need to make excuses for myself about this? Why am I still feeling guilty? I just wish that Hubby would be more supportive I think. I got pissy with him this morning when he was nagging on me for not going to work. He hasn't missed a day of work in three years. For any reason. I'm just not like that! I can't be, and every day that I stay home I know that he disapproves, even if I'm very obviously sick to the point where I'm having a hard time even getting to the bathroom.

I'm tired, I'm going to go rest again. Happy Monday.

Repeat after me...

Katress is NOT getting sick.
Katress is NOT getting sick.

I do not have the TIME to be sick.

I do not have the PATIENCE to be sick.

I am NOT getting sick.


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