Progress - (2002-02-24, 12:02 p.m.)

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Still tired, still here.

My cat has been sticking to me like velcro. I don't know what his deal is, but Homer must follow me from room to room, and if I sit down he must be on my lap. If I lay down, he must be on my legs, my chest or preferrably with my arms wrapped around him. What a spoiled little cat. I think he has an attachment disorder. We make quite a pair, he and I. The other two went outside this morning, they were just raring to go at the door about 7:00 AM. When I finally saw that they were ready to come in, they couldn't wait for me to open the screen door, they just burst in right along the bottom and ripped the screen even more. Good grief, it's not like it's even freezing out, but I guess they just don't have any patience or something. LOL My goofy cats. :)

Hubby got to come home last night. Even though Guard Drill is 45 minutes away, I guess they let the guys go home at night. How sweet is that? Wonderful, if you ask me. :) I really wasn't looking forward to the prospect of spending the night in the house alone. I get lonesome very easily lately.

I do have to admit, you're right about the Wellbutrin. I can tell a difference already, however I am very much looking forward to March, when I am supposed to notice a big difference. I have more energy, but I'm still tired. Not sleepy, but tired. I think that will just take rest though. I'm happy to know that it's not my imagination, and that it probably is helping already. I don't know that I could go through another one of those panic attacks again. It was awfully scary, and I can't even imagine what it would have been like had I not known what was going on.

My Dad is taking me to the Home and Garden show today. I'm excited for that, it will be the first time that I'll have been out of the house in public (besides Wal-Mart, but I'm not sure that counts) in three whole days! I can't remember staying home this long for quite a while. I'm even starting in on my laundry and cleaning in the house. I'm 1/2 done with the house, and the laundry...well we just don't want to talk about that. *sigh* I could do laundry all day every day it seems and never be done.

I had better go get ready to go. :) Hopefully I'll be able to peel the velcro cat off of me long enough to take a shower and blow dry my hair. He's so cute, but ugh, I'm getting annoyed.

On a side note, I updated the Weekly Plant feature on DirtDiva. Go take a look!

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