Wow - (2002-02-23, 11:12 a.m.)

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Again, many thanks to all of you that have left words of encouragement in the guestbook. I really appreciate it. :)

Especially Jenn who apparently is already a member of this lovely club. She publicly welcomed me in an entry. Honestly you guys, I cry about the kindness and support that I've received. It's just phenomenal.

A few things that I had forgotten to mention in my entry yesterday. Interestingly enough when I started to have my panic attack full-blown, my cat Hercules came and wanted to be petted. It's hard to explain, but it's like he was worried, as he wound himself around me and meowed repeatedly. My cats amaze me sometimes. It's like he was trying to comfort me, just as Hubby was. Homer is still following me around the house, I can't get out of his sight. He's right now sitting in my lap with his front paws on the desk batting a pen around. What a geek.

I'm still tired, but I honestly feel better knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I'm not sure if it is the Wellbutrin starting to take effect but I was having some crazy dreams last night. Not nightmares at all, but just odd. I don't normally remember my dreams, in fact it's a rare occasion when I remember having any at all, but last night I can separate at least five of them out and recall specific things about them. How odd is that?

On a different note, I keep humming that D-12 song that was popular a while ago, "something something blue and yellow purple pills..." I have more of a comprehension for the music than I do the words, but my medication is purple. I guess all those years involved in music and performance is still spinning around in the back of my brain. I remember how the song goes but not most of the words. LOL Oh well.

For my weekend plans, I plan on doing absolutely nothing. I'm not tackling the laundry monster as I usually do. The laundry will wait for me and we still have clean underwear and socks left. I am not going to clean the house, the dust will still be there, as will all the cat and dog hair, and the vacuuming can wait too. I just need to take some time for me, you know? I'm going to read, watch TV and maybe work some on the afghan that I had set aside months ago. It's going to be very pretty and soft as I'm using the yarn made for baby blankets, and it's all white and the pattern is very lacy looking. Should turn out rather pretty, but I need 108 squares!

Anyhow, I hope that everyone is having a fabulous weekend. Go relax now! :)

Oh yes, I almost forgot.

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