Body Blues - (2002-02-21, 8:28 a.m.)

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I'm still tired. I think I might have something called "Body Blues." There was an article in Prevention magazine about it, but I'm entirely to lazy to find the link right now.

Basically it means that your body is starting to shut down due to several things...lack of sunshine, lack of proper vitamins and a high stress level. Let me see. Yes, yes, and yes.

Some of the symptoms include inability to sleep, general crankiness, taking things personal that aren't, slight weight gain and slight depression. Definitely, yes, yes definitely and yes. Sounds like I need to go talk to my doctor.

They have a couple of things that they suggest to help alleviate this. One is making sure that you get about 1/2 hour every day in the sunshine. I think I should start taking the dog for a walk when I get home in the afternoon. We could both use the exercise and it will get me out of the house.

I need to adjust my vitamins. Yes, I take vitamins but apparently they aren't the right combination--apparently that makes a big difference! I had no idea, I just take a regular multiple and apparently I need more calcium, just to mention one.

The one symptom that I have that I still can't make heads or tails of is the sensitive smell issue. WTF is up with that? I gagged again this morning when I got a bad smell in my nose. I'm most definitely not pregnant but I've never been this sensitive to scent before. Normally I have this prior to a migraine, but it's been going on for a week or more. I'm hoping and praying that this isn't the mother of all migraines coming on!

So anyhow, go sign my guestbook and tell me that you love me. I could use it right now. :) I know that things will eventually get better, but it's hard for me to see beyond what's going on right now.

And lastly, I have to thank Kettle Review for making my day yesterday. :)

Now go ask me questions on DirtDiva why don't you? :)

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