I can't think of one - (2002-02-20, 7:42 a.m.)

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I am so incredibly cranky today I don't even know what to do with myself.

Let me start out by saying that I am incredibly PMSy. This is never a good thing. This compounded by the fact that Hubby and I aren't getting along and I've been spending entirely to much time by myself lately is making me into one b*^%$y M-F'er.

I never freaking see him as he works all the time, and when he's not working he's in class or taking tests...and God forbid that the stupid dog listen to me. It's all muddy out and the dog took off on me last night and as a result he was a complete mudball. I let him in the house and I have another mess to clean up as he went from one end to the other. I figure I have roughly 50 feet of muddy carpet to clean when I get home tonight, as I just did not have the energy to even mop the damned floor last night.


I am feeling so incredibly neglected. Hubby has guard drill this weekend too, and I was hoping to go down to Minneapolis and do some shopping. Doesn't sound like it's going to happen. It's not exactly a day trip either, so I'm stuck here this weekend all by myself once again.

I don't mind time by myself every now and then, but this is getting ridiculous! I have almost no human contact unless it's on the phone after work hours unless I go over to my parent's house...but I don't want to be dragging on them either, you know? I'm twenty freaking six, you would think that I could handle all this, but I just don't feel that I can right now.

This is just to much for me right now. I need to go spend the day in bed. Although this might make me just feel more angry and upset. I still wish that I could. I really do. *sigh* I can't even get the energy to pick up my stupid messy house. Not that I get that much help cleaning anymore.

I'm going to end here before I get even crabbier.

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