Bonus? - (2002-02-19, 9:04 a.m.)

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I wish that I had more energy. I went home last night and took a nap! Not to much else going on.

I added another link to DirtDiva for a notify list. I figured since I can relate to the problem of having a full favorites list, I though this would help if someone wanted to see my updates. That, and not everyone is interested in each area of gardening. :)

Hubby has National Guard drill again this weekend, and I've been thinking I should venture down to Minneapolis and visit some friends. I get so bored around the house when he's gone. Hopefully my parents will watch the dog, otherwise I wouldn't be able to go. Getting a kennel date at this point would be futile.

I have to admit I have ulterior motives. I want to go to the MegaMall. Macy's in particular! They have BabyPhat jeans, and since BabyPhat's website sucks and they have no customer service I have to go all the way down to Minneapolis to get to the closest store that carries that brand. God, I'm picky about clothes! LOL At least the city where I live has an Old Navy. Finally. I do have to say though, I never had a problem ordering anything off" and if I had a return they were fantastic about it.

Anyhow, I would love to see some friends again that I had lost touch with as well. Seems like a lot of people from college have moved down to the Minneapolis area or the suburbs. It was hard to stay in touch when we lived so far away.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. There's this big controversy at work now. They are going to be providing a performance based bonus to all of us again, and there are some people that have been here for years that feel they should be compensated moreso than those of us that have not been here for so long. The thing is, all two of these people have crappy call stats. Um, I do at least twice the work that they do, why should we be paid the same? I should make more, as I make more for the company. Right? Right.

People are so stupid sometimes.

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