Weekend in Summary - (2002-02-18, 7:38 a.m.)

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Once again, I need to remind everyone...I'm done with DirtDiva! Go check it out! :)

Anyhow, there has been much activity around the Katress household. That might explain why I was having "the nods" this morning driving to work. Fortunately I managed not to hit anyone or anything, but I'm still exhausted.

This weekend in a nutshell--Saturday I finished DirtDiva as I had already mentioned. Blaise made me a cute little graphic out of the blue, and I need to add that later on this evening. That was very sweet of you by the way, thanks! Seems like everyone likes the desgin, and I'm happy that for the most part I managed to put it together all by myself!

Sunday I tackled the laundry monster, and Hubby decided that we needed to wash all the bedding. Where did this come from? Not sure, but it made a whole lot more work for me.

For fun (and to escape from my washer and dryer of course!) I had an afternoon with the lovely CrankyOne at Barnes and Noble. She is of course, not cranky at all, but a very sweet friend that I have enjoyed getting to know over the last few months. It's just to bad that our schedules are both so full, as we both decided that we need to make more time to get together at B & N. It's very relaxing, and I need more of that in my life! I also need to get out of the house more. :)

I bought a book to read for fun, as well as one on WWII history for Hubby, and "The Minnesota Horticultural Society's Handbook" which I'm thinking is going to come in quite handy this spring and summer. I love reading about my plants! And yes, I'm a geek. LOL

CrankyOne and I read some more about CSS and more advanced HTML and we discussed how tables work, as I'm still having some concept issues with this. I understand how they work, it's just getting the code all correct that seems to be hanging me up a bit. She is able to explain things in a very simple and logical manner so that my HTML-challenged self can understand. :) I'm still learning, ya know?

That's about all that happened this weekend, I just wish that I could have gotten some more sleep. I just was so absolutely driven to finish up DirtDiva that I didn't relax until I finished it. There's still a little tweaking that I want to do, but I'm so HTMLed out for a while that it's going to have to wait!

So that's about all that's going on in Katress-land. Hope that everyone had a good weekend and that my lovely lady friends are having a good time down in NC, which is where I would rather be. Sounds like they're having a blast!

Edit: By the way, I just looked at my stats and saw that my Hubby is looking at my site from home. Hi, Honey! *waves*

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