Mind Readers anyone? - (2002-02-15, 11:06 a.m.)

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Success. I've been working on the gardening site, and it's coming along beautifully. YAY! I messed around for about two hours last night, and I still have to set up the "plant of the week" site along with the guestbook. If I have time from work I'll mess around a bit as I've been coding by hand (are you impressed with me or what???) and all of my images have been loaded already. So I'm very very happy with the progress. I'm going to try to finish up this weekend and release "secret-at-this-time.diaryland.com" address. :)

I have to add, special thanks to you, you and you for pointing me in the right direction. I'm starting to understand this table stuff!

In other news, have you ever had a day at work where you just want to literally beat your head against your computer screen? Yep, that's been my last two days.

Firstly, if I'm going to be taking care of supervisor issues, for God's sake pay me like one. If you don't write down what the heck you need in a reservation when you call someone, what am I supposed to tell them when they call???? Yeah, there's people thinking that I'm a mind reader all over again. Documentation people! It's not that difficult. Everyone here has something called a keyboard so use it! Use those little letters to make words, which then form sentances and provides information to everyone. It's really not that difficult, but it certainly must be, as around here it hasn't been happening. I swear, if I do one more supervisor issue today because they aren't doing their jobs right in the first place, I'm calling the supervisor line and giving them a piece of my mind. Argh!

That and when customers play pass the phone when you try to explain such complicated things to them like "our site does not support the use of the back arrow on your browser" or they aren't able to answer what error they received when they were online and expect you to fix it for them anyhow. Once again, not a mind reader!!!

But you know what, I'm not wearing my shoes. :) I'm feeling like not wearing my shoes, so I'm not. I would much rather go sockless too, but the floor here at work is kind of dirty--despite the fact that I might get some funny looks from my co-workers. :) I'm barefoot all the time at home. It's a beautiful day outside today and I'm going to go enjoy it when I'm on break.

Until tomorrow!

What's the deal with d=land templates crossing over. Gah! I deleted my main template once again...and I honestly have no idea how I did it. I just HOPE that Hubby didn't delete my template file. I can re-do the tables again. I think. But I'm sure that Blaise will come to the rescue once again if he has and just replace the data. I didn't have the other information open at all, and this only seems to happen to me at work. WTF? Things will be back to normal soon though, I'm sure. :)

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