So Sleepy - (2002-02-13, 7:43 a.m.)

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I'm at work today. Still awfully tired and now we can add "dizzy" to my list of WTF is wrong with me?

I seriously need to go to the doctor. I hate going to the doctor. I like my doctor, don't get me wrong--he's wonderful, but I hate having to wait an hour to see him. With an appointment.

If it's going to be busy today I'm just going to put my head on my keyboard and cry. I'll get up and have all these key-shaped dents on my forehead and cheeks and then I'll really look icky. But...I wore my pajamas to work today. I can't remember the last time that I've done that. Purple pj bottoms and my USMC sweatshirt. I look so cute today. Can't you hear my voice dripping with sarcasm?

*sigh* Even with sleeping pills I can't manange to sleep the whole night through. I went to bed at 10:00 PM and was up between 11:00-11:45, 3:00-4:00, and 5:00 AM onward. That does not make for a happy Katress today. Especially since I'm so freaking worn out in the first place.

For some reason over the last week people have been asking me If I'm pregnant. Not that this would be a bad thing, but it would certainly be an unexpected thing. I am not ready right now to have a child. I am not in a good place right now professionally, health-wise or personally to support a child like I want to be able to. I know that sometimes the powers that be dictate that you don't have a choice, but Aunt Flo has been a regular visitor, in fact was just here last week. Besides, there are some things that you have to do to get pregnant, and frankly there hasn't been a whole lot of that going on lately. I haven't quite been feeling up to much of anything lately and poor Hubby is going through withdrawls. LOL

Did I mention that he brought me roses Monday? Yeah, what a sweetheart. That and SpongeBob air fresheners for my car. I didn't even know they made those! So yes, roses and SpongeBob air fresheners. What a guy.

So yes. Dizzy, dry heaves, insomnia, what's my deal???

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