Sooo tired - (2002-02-12, 8:28 p.m.)

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Insomnia is catching up with me and today I've been so incredibly tired that I've been throwing up. That's just not a good sign.

I can get to sleep just fine, but I can't stay asleep for more than 2 1/2 hours at a time. You just can't fit in REM sleep in that time, so I'm just feeling like a wrung out washcloth. Good grief, I'm even having problems typing!

Anyhow, thanks for all the lovely feedback about the pictures. :) Honestly too, I've been thinking about going blonde again... There's still a few more that I have around the house that I want to scan and post, but I just don't have the energy to do it right now. Some from the Marine Corps Ball and Hubby, me and some friends doing tourist stuff in Washington DC.

Also, go wish Mia and Leah a big congratulations! Such an exciting time for both of them. :) Hopefully we'll all be wishing someone else congrats really soon too.

I'm going to bed. I can't even think straight. Good night all. Sleep well.

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